Seller info: 13607138
New South Wales
Seller Accepts: PayPal
New product 95" full composite P47B Razorback made by CYModel team, suitable for NGH/150/5R package includes: Composite P47B complete airframe JP electric retracts Ordnance set included 3D Printed cockpit/seat included NGH 150/5R with auto starter OR UMS 5R/150 with auto starter (bonus)
Full composite with details
Wingspan:2400mm (94.5in)
Weight:9kg (empty weight
Wingarea:92.3dm2 (
Length:2120mm (83.5in)
Engine: 80-150cc gas engine (radial engine Optional UMS 150/5R)
Radio:6 channels 9 servos
Electric retracts: JP complete electric retracts with alloy wheels (included)
Electric Tail Wheel: JP (Optional)
Optional Ordnance set
3D Printed cockpit/seat included
Product Description: 1. High-quality, prepainted, fiberglass fuselage and cowling; 2. High-quality full composite material; 3. Light weight and strong construction; 4. Functional scale flaps; 5. Aluminum wing tube; 6. Aluminum stabilizer tube; 7. Hardware package included; 8. Scale color scheme with professional covering; 9. Scale rivets and cockpits