New Listing Alerts - how to subscribe/unsubscribe

You can subscribe or unsubscribe to "New Listing Alerts" in your personal account settings page. New listing alerts are sent out via email each time new listings are approved on the website.

New listing alerts are sent out via email each time new listings are approved on the website.

To edit your email New Listing Alert status:

Log in to your account:




Go to "My Account":

My Account



In the "my account" menu in the bottom left, select the "My Account Settings" link:

My Account Settings



At the foot of my personal information page is the "Edit My Info" link - select that button:

Edit my info



Towards the bottom of your information editing page, select Yes/No depending on if you prefer to receive new listing notifications or not.


select your subscription choice

When you have completed your changes, select the "Save Settings" button.

Save your settings



PLEASE NOTE: if you have left out any fields that are "required", the system will not allow you to save the information until ALL required fields have been filled in. Any missing fields will be highlighted with a red box.

Error - please note




Fill in the missing information:

Fill in missing info

Once your changes have been accepted, you will return to the "My Account" page.


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